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Committee 2023-05-23T14:59:14+00:00

Faculty Senate Committees

(updated March 27, 2021)      Current Committee Memberships

The Senate has responsibility for 1) maintaining of its standing committees and forming ad hoc committees as needed, 2) appointing members to those non-Senate committees requiring Senate representation, and 3)  forwarding nominations of faculty to selected non-Senate committees with elected faculty representation.  It is the responsibility of the Senate Secretary to maintain and update as necessary a list of all these committees.

A.    Senate Standing Committees         

  • Executive Committee
    The five Senate officers shall constitute an Executive Committee which shall receive all requests for Senate study and action, and establish the agenda for Senate meetings. Items received as requests from the President of the College, a Senator, or the principal officer of recognized faculty, employee, or student government associations, shall be included on the agenda if received prior to the executive committee’s monthly meeting. This committee may also act as an advisory committee to the President and the Board of Trustees between Senate meetings and during the summer months. The executive committee shall organize and facilitate general faculty meetings and forums, as needed, to disseminate information and to gather faculty opinion on issues before the Senate.
  • Nominations Committee
    The two Senators-at-Large and a third Senator, appointed by the Chair, shall constitute the Nominations Committee. The committee shall recommend to the Senate, for their approval, appointments to all committee vacancies for which the Senate has responsibility. This includes both internal Senate committees and external committees requiring Senate representation. The Committee shall submit, during the first week in May, nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Senator at Large as applicable.
  • Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee (PR&R)  [Ad-Hoc]
    The faculty members of the Senate, excluding Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary, shall be members of the PR&R Committee. (Senators shall serve as specified in the PR&R Committee procedures.) The function of the PR&R Committee is to assist in the resolution of faculty disputes that are not covered by the HCEA negotiated agreement, when requested by any party directly involved in the dispute.
  • Curriculum Committee [Ad-Hoc]
    Six senators shall constitute the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee shall conduct in-depth studies of curricular issues, including degree requirements, and make recommendations to the Senate.

B.  Non-Senate Committees Requiring Senate Representation

  • Policy Development Council
    The Senate Chair will serve on the Policy Development Council, the purpose of which is to “define all proposals as a Board or College policy or college procedure and to track the proposal through the various Councils in a timely fashion.”
  • Budget Advisory Council
    One senator determined by the Senate Chair serves on the Budget Advisory Council, which in part is charged with advising “the President and the Executive Cabinet on matters relating to the college budget, including budget planning and development, in alignment with the college mission and strategic goals.”
  • Equity Task force
    One senator determined by the Senate Chair will serve on the Equity Task force, which is charged with facilitating “communications between Executive Staff and the campus community on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

C.  Non-Senate College Committees with Elected Faculty Representation

  • Campus Safety Committee
    2-year terms; two faculty representatives; tenured or probationary faculty eligible)
    The committee reviews current practices and offer recommendations for updates, additions, or refinements.  Currently under review are freedom of speech policy, demonstration/protest policies, social media monitoring, crisis communication plan and the creation of a bias response team.  Members include the Highline Director of Public Safety & Emergency Management, representatives from Student Services and Instruction, and two faculty.
  • Commencement Committee
     2-year terms; two faculty representatives,; tenured or probationary faculty eligible
    The Commencement Committee meets monthly. The committee is responsible for planning the events surrounding graduation and communicating these plans to the campus. The faculty members elected to the Commencement Committee will be responsible for soliciting faculty suggestions, concerns, and other feedback regarding the commencement ceremony and bringing those to the committee.  They will also provide reports on changes to the commencement that are relevant to faculty.  In addition, both elected faculty members will serve during the ceremony as marshals and/or in other capacities that the commencement committee may need.
  • Teaching and Learning Enhancement Grants
    3-year terms’ three faculty representatives; tenured or probationary faculty eligible
    The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Grants committee consists of the director of the Highline Fund Development, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and three faculty members from different divisions. Once a year the committee considers applications for the award. Details about the award are available in the HCEA contract, section 614.
  • Graduation Review Board
    2-year terms; (three faculty representatives; at least one must be a tenured faculty
    The Graduation Review Board meets about once a quarter to hear student appeals concerning the degree granting process. The board makes recommendations to the office of Vice President for Students
    The Graduation Review Board is comprised of six voting members appointed by the President:

    • The Registrar who serves as Chair (standing appointment)
    • The Vice President for Academic Affairs (standing appointment)
    • The Vice President for Students (standing appointment)
    • Tenured faculty member nominated by the Faculty Senate (2-year term)
    • Tenured faculty member nominated by the Faculty Senate (2-year term)
    • Tenured or probationary faculty member nominated by the Faculty Senate (2-year term)
  • Student Conduct Committee
    2-year terms; two faculty representatives, tenured or probationary faculty eligible
    The student conduct code applies to student conduct that occurs on college premises, to conduct that occurs at or in connection with college sponsored activities, or to off-campus conduct that in the judgment of the college adversely affects the college community or the pursuit of its objectives.
    (for a full description see Washington Administrative Code Chapter 132I-126 WAC

    • The student conduct committee shall consist of five members:
      • Two full-time students appointed by the student government;
      • Two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate;
      • One faculty member or administrator (other than an administrator serving as a student conduct review officer) appointed by the vice president for student services at the beginning of the academic year.
    • The faculty member or administrator appointed on a yearly basis shall serve as the chair of the committee and may take action on preliminary hearing matters prior to convening the committee. The chair shall receive annual training on protecting victims and promoting accountability in cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct.
